Tag Whistleblowers
13 Nov

A call on UK authorities to intervene on behalf of whistleblower Jonathan Taylor, stuck in Croatia

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners, whistleblowing, human rights and transparency organisations, are concerned that without intervention by the government of the United Kingdom, whistleblower and British citizen Jonathan Taylor may be stuck in Croatia fighting extradition to Monaco for many more months. 

21 Oct

We welcome the decision of the Supreme Court of Croatia to revoke the decision to extradite whistleblower Jonathan Taylor to Monaco

21 Aug

Protection des lanceurs d’alerte: annulez le mandat d’arrêt de Jonathan Taylor!

Nous réitérons notre appel aux autorités de Monaco d’abandonner les poursuites à l’encontre de Jonathan Taylor, et de l’autoriser à rentrer chez lui sans délai

14 Aug

MFRR partners call on Monaco to withdraw arrest warrant on oil industry whistleblower Jonathan Taylor

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners, media protection, human rights, transparency and whistleblowing support organisations, alongside international jurists call on Monaco to immediately withdraw the arrest warrant that led to SBM Offshore whistleblower Jonathan Taylor being arrested in Dubrovnik airport.

6 Apr

Coalition to make whistleblowing safe during COVID-19

The ECPMF as well as other signatories of this letter call on all public authorities and institutions to protect those who report or expose the harms, abuses and serious wrongdoing that arise during this period of crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

28 Feb

Media freedom campaigners and journalists unite for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom has signed a petition calling for Assange to be released. He is wanted in the United States, where the authorities intend to put him on trial in the state of Virginia, charged with facilitating the leak of military secrets.

12 Sep

“Please save my life”: Julian Assange in prison

By Annissa Warsame Cell Number 37, ‘Britain’s Guantanamo Bay’ – a single occupancy cell, furnished sparsely with a plastic chair, metal bed and steel toilet. For over 150 days this has been Julian Assange’s residence, whether he likes it or not. And a judge has ruled today, he is to remain there even after his jail […]

12 Mar

Victory! EU directive finally protects whistleblowers

2 Nov

Why we need a EU framework for the protection of whistleblowers

By Marzia Bona – 02.11.2017 On October 24th, 2017, the European Parliament voted an important – although not binding – report on the need for a EU framework for the protection of whistleblowers. An overview of the process that led to the formulation and adoption of the document is published on the Media Freedom Resource Centre. The pressing […]