Andreas Lamm

Andreas Lamm

Interim Managing Director

Andreas is part of the management and is taking care of the development and implementation of the long-term corporate strategy. This includes project development and organisational tasks. He advocates for the mission and values of ECPMF amongst partners and external organisations. In addition he takes care of HR and supports the work of the boards.

He gained his Magister Artium in Communication and Media Science, American Studies and Psychology at the Leipzig University.

Sarah Koslow

Sarah Koslow

Director Finance

Sarah is part of the management and responsible for finances and administration. She is responsible for the overall financial strategy and planning of the organisation and works closely together with project coordinators and project partners. As Director Finances she is also contact person for public donors and administrative organisations on an operational level.

She holds the diploma in European Business Management and has gained international experiences in studying and working in Great Britain and France.


Alina Toropova

Alina Toropova

Journalists-in-Residence Programme Manager

Alina coordinates the Journalists-in-Residence programme at the ECPMF, supports the fellow journalists in Leipzig and works closely with other international temporary relocation programmes. Before joining the ECPMF she used to organize socio-cultural events in Weimar and worked at the Department of International Relations at the Bauhaus-University. She also contributed to the work of the Museum Project of the House of European History at the European Parliament. Alina holds a degree in Science of Media from the Bauhaus-University Weimar.

Antje Schlaf

Antje Schlaf

Mapping Media Freedom Consultant

Antje is the Mapping Media Freedom Consultant at ECPMF. She is responsible for the further development of including the scientific framework and the methodology, as well as the operation and management of the platform.
Antje gained her master's degree in Computer Science with a focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP). As research associate she worked for various national & international projects in collaboration with partners from different companies, organisations and universities where she successfully implemented methods of NLP and Textmining in diverse topic areas.

Deniz Bozkurt-Pekar – IJ4EU Programme Manager at ECPMF

Deniz Bozkurt-Pekar

IJ4EU Programme Manager

Deniz joined the ECMPF in January 2022 and manages the UNCOVERED Conference and #IJ4EU Impact Award. Previously, she worked as research associate at various interdisciplinary institutions in Leipzig. She is trained in the field of Translation and Interpreting Studies at Boğaziçi and gained MA and doctorate degrees in American Studies at Leipzig University. Her dissertation focuses on spatialization processes as imagined in examples from the literature of the pre-Civil War Southern United States. She is the mother of two cats and enjoys writing and translating fiction as well as non-fiction.

Flutura Kusari

Flutura Kusari

Senior Legal Advisor

Flutura leads ECPMF’s legal support programme which has supported hundreds of media workers across Europe. She also advocates with international organisations to improve legislation to defend freedom of expression. During the last decade, she has been engaged in building capacities of judges, prosecutors, police officers, and lawyers on freedom of expression across the Western Balkans. In addition, she advises journalists on pre- and post- publication legal matters such as defamation, access to information, contempt of court, and privacy. Flutura co-leads the Anti-SLAPP work at the European level as part of the Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE) and as an expert for the European Union and Council of Europe. She holds a PhD in Media Law from Ghent University, Belgium.

Gürkan Özturan

Gürkan Özturan

Monitoring Officer

Gürkan was trained in the field of European Studies as a researcher on radicalization and polarization during his two masters degrees at Centre International de Formation Europeenne and Istanbul Bilgi University. He previously worked as a journalist and executive manager at dokuz8NEWS and frequently appeared on international media as commentator on Turkey and digital rights. He has served as board member for various anti-racism and rights-focued NGOs and social movements in Turkey, currently he is a board member for Turkey-European Foundation, Media Research Association and Trauma & Life Association. He is a registered member of Journalists Union of Turkey and International Federation of Journalists.

Jordan Higgins – Press and Policy Officer at ECPMF

Jordan Higgins

Press and Policy Officer

Jordan is part of ECPMF’s communications team, where he focuses on increasing outreach to journalists and other traditional media outlets. Before joining ECPMF, Jordan worked as Advocacy and Policy Manager at the Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD). Jordan holds a Master’s Degree in Journalism and Media in Europe from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) where he specialised in conflict reporting, media policy, and the impact of social media platforms on news gathering and dissemination.

Patrick Peltz

Patrick Peltz

Patrick joined the ECPMF in November 2023 as a monitoring and research officer. He is responsible for the annual study "Feindbild Journalist:in", which focuses on violations of media freedom in Germany, with a special emphasis on physical attacks on journalists. Additionally, he is a PhD candidate in Comparative Politics at the Institute of Law and Economics at the University of Hamburg. His research interests include democratization and autocratization studies, constitutional politics, and emergency laws. His dissertation analyzes the relationship between states of emergency and autocratization. Previously, he was a guest researcher at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at the University of Notre Dame, participated as project partner for Germany in the project 'Exceptional powers in times of SARS-COV-2' conducted by the University of Groningen, and was a research assistant at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies.