How we engage with stakeholders
Output is used for campaigning and advocating to influential stakeholders on all levels and results are brought to public attention. Trial monitoring is conducted on the ground if needed. Through its website, social media, newsletter and solidarity actions ECPMF aims to raise awareness for media freedom violations on a pan-European scale. Moreover, ECPMF initiates training, workshops and events to foster exchange and knowledge. ECPMF promotes media literacy through its partnership with Lie Detectors and a special programme (Re:Start Democratic Discourse) in Ukraine. It brings together stakeholders from academia, the media freedom community, the political sphere and the general public. ECPMF’s Media Freedom Resource Centre in collaboration with Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) is an online database, which collects and categorises media freedom materials and information and serves as a crowd-sourcing tool for an ever-growing database.