Tag Public Service Media
17 Aug

Germany: Misuse of funds at RBB highlights need for greater accountability in publicly funded media

The partners of the MFRR denounce the misuse of public funds by Patricia Schlesinger, former director of Berlin’s public broadcaster RBB. We welcome her instant dismissal while demanding a thorough investigation and call for improved accountability in publicly funded media.

18 Nov

Kosovo: ECPMF welcomes shortlisting of new RTK Board members

17 Nov

The Czech Republic: MFRR partners concerned over side-lining of critical media outlets during the government press conferences

MFRR write to express their disappointment over the lack of communication with the media by the Government of the Czech Republic and the repeated denial of access for certain outlets to COVID-19 press conferences.

14 Aug

Runder Tisch in Prag: “Die Medien sollten die Politik kontrollieren und nicht umgekehrt”, sagt Senator Smoljak

Der Medienausschuss des tschechischen Senats ist besorgt über die Zukunft der öffentlichen-rechtlichen Medien, nachdem scharfe Kritiker des Systems in den Aufsichtsgremium gewählt wurden. ECPMF und IPI stellten mehrere ausgewiesene Experten für ein Fachgespräch am Runden Tisch.

14 Aug

Kulatý stůl v Praze: Média mají kontrolovat politiky a nikoli naopak, říká senátor Smoljak

Stálá komise Senátu ČR pro sdělovací prostředky má obavy o budoucnost veřejnoprávních médií. ECPMF a IPI poskytly několik mediálních expertů do odborné diskuse u kulatého stolu.

2 Jun

Czech Republic: Follow Up to Request to Preserve Freedom and Independence of Public Service TV

Ahead of the planned election in March we urged you to choose from candidates for the Council of Czech TV (Česká televize) independently from any political interference or alleged attempts of influence. We are concerned that the composition of the Council cannot be considered impartial or balanced between political groups no longer.