Tag Kosovo
10 Jan

Open letter to Mr. Albin Kurti, President of Vetevendosje Movement and Prime Minister of Kosovo

Media freedom groups call on Kosovo’s PM Albin Kurti to reverse his party’s boycott of T7, TV Dukagjini, and Klan Kosova. Public accountability and media freedom must be upheld during elections.

23 Jul

Kosovo’s media law enables political capture of media regulatory body

The undersigned Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) consortium partners express deep alarm over the passage of a new media law by the Kosovo Parliament this month.

1 Jul

Kosovo: Dangerous attack by MP Dimal Basha on ECPMF’S Senior legal advisor Flutura Kusari

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners condemn Kosovo MP Dimal Basha's gender-based attack on ECPMF's Senior legal advisor Flutura Kusari, amid calls for media law reform.

27 Jun

Kosovo: Draft law on Independent Media Commission might endanger its political independence

If the draft law is approved, the Independent Media Commission will be politically captured and online media will be subjected to chaotic regulation.

21 Jun

Kosovo: ECPMF concerned by attempts to remove General Director of RTK

ECPMF expresses concern at the growing crisis within Kosovo’s Public Broadcaster (RTK) around political pressure being applied to remove the general director, Mr Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj.

1 Feb

Kosovo: Government should withdraw highly problematic media law changes

We call on the Prime Minister of Kosovo to withdraw the Draft Law on the Independent Media Commission (IMC) from the Assembly of Kosovo and make the necessary changes in accordance with the standards of the Council of Europe and the OSCE.

8 Aug

ECPMF express concern about Kosovo’s banning of Serbian reporter Svetlana Vukmirovic

ECPMF has joined a groups of 11 civil society organisations in writing to the Kosovo authorities to express concern about the case of journalist Svetlana Vukmirovic, who has been denied entry to Kosovo in order to carry out her work on multiple occasions since 2018.

3 Aug

Media freedom groups welcome Klan Kosova court injunction decision

We welcome the court injunction staying the revocation of the business licence Klan Kosova, an important legal ruling which blocks an effort by the government to shut down the country’s largest private television channel.

12 Jul

Media freedom groups call for Klan Kosova business certificate issue to be resolved

ECPMF calls for the updated business certificate of Klan Kosova to be accepted by the complaint committee and that all attempts by the Kosovo government to pressure the broadcaster are halted immediately.

19 Jun

Civil society and journalists associations urge the Council to protect journalists against spyware and surveillance in the EMFA

ECPMF joins sixty civil society and journalists organisations in expressing concerns over the draft Regulation on the EMFA, in particular the provisions of Article 4 on spyware and surveillance.