Tag Montenegro
27 May

SafeJournalists and MFRR Condemn Two Decades of Impunity in Case of Murder of Duško Jovanović

On the 20th anniversary of the murder of Montenegrin journalist Duško Jovanović, the SafeJournalists Network and partners in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) call for stronger action from the authorities.

17 Jan

Montenegro: Impunity must end for shooting of journalist Olivera Lakić

30 Mar

International press freedom and journalists’ organisations condemn continued judicial persecution of Jovo Martinović after his appeal was rejected

29 Jan

The Media Freedom Rapid Response calls for urgent police protection for Olivera Lakić following assassination threats made against her

Olivera Lakić is an investigative journalist who covers organised crime and corruption.

29 Jan

Poziv organizacije Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) za hitnu policijsku zaštitu Olivere Lakić nakon prijetnje atentatom na nju

Poziv organizacije Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) za hitnu policijsku zaštitu Olivere Lakić nakon prijetnje atentatom na nju

15 Dec

Montenegro: the new government must prioritise and uphold press and media freedom

As Montenegro’s new coalition government under the leadership of Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić was formally approved by the Montenegrin Parliament on 4 December, the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) and key partners, urge it to put press and media freedom high on its agenda.

8 Oct

MFRR partners and media freedom organisations condemn conviction of journalist Jovo Martinovic by High Court of Montenegro

MFRR partners strongly condemn sentencing of Jovo Martinovic​ to one year in prison for allegedly participating in drug trafficking despite the evidence that he was working as an undercover journalist

5 Oct

Does Montenegro choose the European Union or jailing a top journalist?

On 8 October 2020, the verdict in the retrial of the Montenegrin journalist Jovo Martinović will be pronounced. Ahead of the decision, we, the undersigned organisations, call on the High Court of Montenegro to take full account of the overwhelming evidence of the reporter’s innocence and acquit him.

28 Aug

MFRR partners raise concerns about smear campaign directed at journalists in Montenegro

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) partners and press and media freedom organisations raise concerns about an online smear campaign directed at journalists in Montenegro

2 Jul

Montenegro: retrial of investigative journalist Jovo Martinović – all charges must be dropped

Retrial of Jovo Martinović continuing on 6 July - all charges must be dropped. ECPMF expresses renewed concern about situation of media freedom in Montenegro