MFRR Summit | Workshop – Mapping Media Freedom: Learn how to be a media freedom watchdog


To know the threats that journalists and media workers across Europe face, we need to be able to capture information about violations in real time. As part of the MFRR, Mapping Media Freedom (MMF) is an innovative platform that maps media freedom violations across Europe. In 2020, Mapping Media Freedom published 378 alerts documenting violations […]


MFRR Summit | Criminalising Europe’s Free Press: Legislative Threats to Media Freedom


Laws that target media freedom reconfigure the landscape away from journalists, media workers and outlets. Throughout 2020, countries across Europe, oftentimes using the COVID-19 pandemic as cover, took to creating, reforming or rescinding different laws with an aim to undermine journalistic safety, media pluralism, as well as the transparency and accountability of those in power. […]


MFRR Summit | Sued into Silence: The use of SLAPPs to intimidate and silence journalists across Europe


In Poland, Gazeta Wyborcza has been threatened with over 55 legal threats and OKO.Press have also received an avalanche of legal threats from wealthy business people, companies and politicians. In Slovenia, Necenzurirano is facing 39 legal threats, solely for doing their job. The use of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) and other vexatious lawsuits […]


MFRR Summit | A Hostile Continent: Online harassment, threats and smear campaigns


Fake news purveyors, enemies of the state, infiltrators, traitors and a litany of misogynistic, homophobic and racist epithets are so commonly hurled at journalists and media workers they form part of the landscape they are expected to navigate as part of their daily professional lives. The normalisation of online harassment, threats and smear campaigns, reinforced […]


MFRR Summit | The Media Freedom Rapid Response: A Year in Review


2020 was the first year of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), which monitors, tracks and responds to media freedom violations across EU Member States and Candidate Countries (including the UK). Throughout the year, the consortium led by the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), including ARTICLE 19, the European Federation of Journalists […]


#UNCOVERED Conference 2021


By Jane Whyatt There were sad and sombre moments at the #UNCOVERED 2021 online conference, remembering murdered journalists Giorgos Karaivaz,  Daphne Caruana Galizia and Jàn Kuciak. Yet the atmosphere was mostly one of celebration, with top-level speakers stressing the importance of cross-border investigative journalism and four teams collecting handsome trophies (pictured above) as well as […]

Media Freedom Rapid Response Summit 2021


High profile speakers Irene Khan and Věra Jourová set the tone for the inaugural Media Freedom Rapid Response: solidarity. The online keynote session on 17th March, featured UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of freedom of opinion and expression, Irene Khan and European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová (via a […]

Online-Panel: World Press Freedom Day 2021


World Press Freedom Day Campus Talk The pandemic increased threats to journalists all over Europe   In 2020 there were 69 violent attacks on journalists in Germany – and a deterioration of press freedom in Poland, Czech, Hungary and across Europe. How to proceed? The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) Karola Wille, […]

MFRR Summit 2022 – Boosting Press Freedom


We are pleased to announce that we have set a date for the 2022 MFRR Summit! Under the title of “Boosting Press Freedom”, this year’s summit will take place from 22 – 24 March. The Summit panels will all be streamed online on the MFRR YouTube channel, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Be sure to subscribe to the channels to stay up to date! […]

UNCOVERED Conference 2022


UNCOVERED is the annual conference of the Investigative Journalism for Europe (IJ4EU) programme. Organised by the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, in partnership with the International Press Institute and European Journalism Centre, UNCOVERED brings together investigative journalists, funders, policymakers, and civil society members to discuss the opportunities and challenges of cross-border investigative journalism.